XL2-655 XL2 655 SouthernMAX ROUND 2" diameter Pre-Inked Stamp. Up to 20,000 impressions before reinking needed. Oil base ink smear resistant on regular paper. Ready in as little a 2 hours. Five ink colors. Area 2" Diameter
#1 POCKET SEAL w/1-5/8" die. Brass die rotary engraved for sharp & clear impressions. Multiple stock emblems available or add your custom logo or design with added charge.
PerfectSeal MOTORIZED announces the new **OPTIONAL: AutoSTART Paper Activation. Unit starts embossing process when paper is fully inserted. Provides excellent, stress free impressions on one sheet of 20-32# paper at a time. Provides an effortless seal impression and allows multiple seal use in the same unit.
PR-40 1-5/8" Round selfinker. Can be used for round notary stamps. Long lasting water-base ink in 5 colors. Rivals Trodat 4642 Ideal 400RC ClassiX P16
LONG REACH DESK SEAL in 1-3/4" or 2" diameter brass dies. Available with standard bakelite counter or my exclusive indestructible "Alloy" counter. Priced with text only on a HOB die with bakelite counter. BETTER IMPRESSION THAN HAND SEALS!
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